What Can I Eat After Tooth Extraction? A Quick Guide

tooth extraction is something a lot of people go through, but it sure can make your head spin with questions. One big question we often get at Waterdown Smiles Dentistry is, “What can I eat after a tooth extraction?”

If you’re about to get a tooth pulled or you’re already kicking back at home with one less tooth, this blog post was made for you. We’re going to break down the whole tooth pulling process and then we’ll get into the foods you should eat after your extraction. We will also cover some foods you should avoid.

What is Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction, in its simplest terms, involves the complete removal of a tooth from its socket in the bone. Usually, your dentist won’t go straight to yanking out a tooth unless it’s in pretty bad shape. Extractions are mainly used when you have major toothaches, infections, overcrowding, or if a tooth has taken a nasty knock. Wisdom tooth removal is a common type of tooth extraction. Wisdom tooth often become a burden on patients and removing them provides significant relief.

Even though the thought of having a tooth pulled might leave you shivering, it’s actually a run-of-the-mill dental procedure for dentists. They’ve got the tools, the skills, and the know-how to get it done smoothly and painlessly.

How the Tooth Extraction Procedure Works

Before your tooth gets pulled, your dentist will check it out thoroughly. They might take some x-rays to get a better look at the tooth and the area around it. When it’s time for the procedure, they’ll use a numbing medicine so you won’t feel a thing.

As they’re pulling your tooth out, your dentist will use special tools to gently wiggle it loose. Once the tooth is out, they’ll put a piece of gauze over the empty spot to help stop any bleeding and make sure a blood clot forms. Finally, they’ll give you some instructions on how to handle any soreness and what foods to eat or avoid.

The Importance of Proper Nutrition after Tooth Extraction

The food you eat after a tooth extraction can greatly impact your recovery process. Opting for nutritious, soft foods can aid in your healing, reduce discomfort, and prevent complications. Staying hydrated is also critical, though it’s important to avoid using straws as the suction can dislodge the clot that forms in your tooth socket.

Dentist at Waterdown Smiles Dentistry holding an extracted tooth using a surgical tool while telling patients what they can eat after tooth extraction.



In the first few days after surgery, soft and easily chewable foods should be your go-to choices. These require less effort to eat and minimize irritation to the extraction site. This means your regular diet may need to be put on hold for a short period.

  1. Soft Foods: Mashed potatoes, yogurt, applesauce, and smoothies are all excellent choices. They are easy on your mouth while still providing necessary nutrients. But, this doesn’t mean you have to avoid solid foods in general.
  2. Protein-rich Foods: Scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, and tofu are great sources of protein. After your extraction, your body will need protein to promote healing. Foods like Greek-yogurt are not only an excellent source of protein, but they are also soft on your mouth.
  3. Vitamin-rich Foods: Pureed fruits and soft vegetables, as well as vegetable broths and blended soups, can supply the vitamins that aid recovery.

Remember, the food and drinks you consume should be at room temperature or cold as hot foods and drinks can interfere with the healing process.

What Should I Not Eat After Tooth Extraction

Just as some foods can aid in your recovery, others can potentially complicate it. It’s easy to want to reach for some comfort food after your procedure, but you should be careful that what you eat isn’t hurting your recovery. For instance, a condition, known as Dry Socket, may occur if the blood clot within the healing area is dislodged. Here are some food types to steer clear from:

  1. Hard and Crumbly Foods: Nuts, chips, crunchy vegetables, or any hard candies can disturb the healing site and cause discomfort.
  2. Hot and Spicy Foods: Chili, hot soups, or anything too spicy can irritate the extraction site.
  3. Chewy Foods: Foods like caramel, gum, or steak require a lot of chewing, which may cause pain and prolong healing.
  4. Acidic Foods: Acidic foods can cause irritation and discomfort. This means citrus fruits and juices (like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits), tomatoes, and vinegar-based dressings should be avoided. Additionally, certain drinks like coffee, soda, and alcoholic beverages are also acidic and should be avoided.

It’s also recommended to avoid smoking and alcohol consumption as these can delay the healing process.

Practical Tips for Eating After Tooth Extraction

When it comes to eating after a tooth extraction, small, frequent meals are better than less-frequent, large meals. This can keep your energy levels up while reducing the strain on your mouth. Also, try to chew on the side opposite the extraction site to avoid disturbing it. Always remember to drink plenty of water, but again, avoid using a straw.

When to Consult Your Dentist

While some discomfort, swelling, and bleeding are normal after a tooth extraction, if you notice severe pain, excessive bleeding, or any signs of infection like fever and chills, contact your dentist immediately. Your oral health is our top priority at Waterdown Smiles Dentistry, and we are always here to help.

Tooth extractions don’t have to be scary, and your recovery can be significantly smoother with the right dietary choices. Remember, opting for soft, nutritious foods while avoiding hard, hot, and chewy items can promote healing and ease your recovery.

For more detailed information tailored to your specific situation or for any other dental concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Waterdown Smiles Dentistry. We are committed to providing the highest quality dental care for our patients. You can also explore our other blog posts for more tips and advice on maintaining great oral health. Remember, a healthy smile is a happy smile!

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